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Real Men Wear Babies On Their Backs: Ergo Baby Review


Above is Jack’s dad carrying him on his back in our Ergo Sport.

The Ergo Baby Carrier: Sport Model

What is it?

A backpack style device used to carry an infant on ones person.


Easy to use
Breathable fabric
Padded shoulder straps
Large adjustment range
3 Infant positions (seated-not dangling)
Moderate pricing
Accommodates children up to 45lbs


The Ergo Baby Sport is a user friendly, easy on the body way to keep your infant close and secure. The device is quickly adjustable making it the easy choice for moms and dads to share. Sizing is not a problem as this carrier can easily accommodate a petite woman around 5 feet or a large, broad shouldered man over 6 feet. If you are one of the few outside of the manufactured range, an extender is available for purchase. This lightweight an breathable carrier is great for any climate. The design evenly distributes the weight of the child so there is no excessive pressure on the hips, lower back or shoulders. The shoulder straps are thickly padded for comfort and allow for long trips shopping, hiking or perhaps a day at the zoo. The baby is always in a seated position instead of a “crotch dangling” position which does not allow for a comfortable ride or proper hip alignment. The Ergo can be worn in 3 positions including: child facing inward, side/hip hold, and on the back (think effortless piggy back ride). This product also allows use for a child up to 45lbs, making it usable for several years.

My mother purchased our Ergo for us when Jack was 4 weeks old and we have used it almost every single day since then. I will admit, Jacks dad uses it more than I do. This is due to the one major drawback for me, nursing. I cannot seem to nurse Jack in this particular carrier comfortably. I get it done in desperate situations where I must nurse or be clawed to death, but it’s a challenge. My husband takes Jack for a walk in our neighborhood every night and puts him to sleep in it when he’s over stimulated and extra cranky. Works like a charm!

I will say that if I had to purchase all over again, I would buy the performance edition instead of the sport and here’s why:

Mesh sections for increased airflow
Zipper pouch for storing keys, phone, wallet ect.
Small ridge of padding at baby’s neckline providing comfort during a nap in the carrier

BUT the performance is more expensive at $135 versus $115 to purchase this product locally in Baton Rouge check out Angel Britches by clicking here!

So I give the Ergo Sport 4/5 rating.

See Jack 4 weeks old riding in our Ergo Sport with his Grandma.


Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

5 thoughts on “Real Men Wear Babies On Their Backs: Ergo Baby Review

  1. I finally figured out nursing in my Tula. I lower the waist strap so Spencer is even with my chest. Then I loosen the shoulder strap on the side I plan to nurse on. She sits up and nurses.

  2. Thank you for following me over at varietyislife.com! Loved this post… I am quietly scheming on getting an Ergo carrier – once I convince hubby to expand our brood! Lol!

  3. I’m crossing my fingers for an Ergo for a Mother’s Day/Birthday gift. It’s good to know what you think of it, and that you use it so much. I really think we’ll use it every day, too.

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