Green Sprouts Baby Food Mill Review

Green Sprouts Food Mill Review

Okay so we have already talked about baby led weaning and how wonderful it is… But this is for the moms who like to feed their babes puréed food or a version of BLW.

We do some puréed food but Jack really doesn’t care for them. He would rather feed himself even when it’s something that requires a spoon. Right away he could feed himself yogurt with a spoon, providing I dip the spoon first and hand it to him.

I purchased a baby food mill for those few occasions that I would steam and purée a few foods. I decided on the one made by Green Sprouts.

The device is comprised of 3 parts and is fairly easy to assemble and use. I did notice that when filling the device with food, sometimes it can leak from the bottom if there is excess juice. A towel placed underneath while in use helps with this issue.

In these pictures, I have a steamed Mango chunked that I am running through the mill.





So all you do is place the bottom plunger part (dark green in middle of 1st picture) just inside the bowl leaving room to continue pushing later (light green to the left) and fill tube with soft fruits or veggies. Next attach the metal mill piece in top of bowl and push down on the plunger while turning the handle of the mill. The purée will come up through the metal mill holes and you can serve right out of the mill bowl or transfer into another dish.

Overall this is a nice Eco friendly product and at around $14 online, I would say that this is a great deal. I rate this product 4/5 (would’ve been 5/5 except for the slight leak I had)

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